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Movement therapy 60min 
A healing container to move in flow with our heart, to express what our soul wants to express, and to heal through the session. 
Donation based from €25 | 
€20 community.
Private session €100

Breath-work |sound healing 90min
A yin gentle breath-work session to let the body relax and heal, a powerful session through the breath and sound to move the energy and let go of anything that is ready to realize. 

Group €25 - community €20 
Private session €125

Energy Bodywork €130 - 90min 
A soft/deep tissue massage, our body gets stored emotions and traumas that get trapped in our tissues, and body-work helps to move the energy out from our tissues, to liberate to full capacity the body to its free channel of energy. 

Coaching €75 | 90min session
The session can be for life coaching, spiritual guidance, or nutrition.


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