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"a portal to a multidimensional universe."
Anu Alexander is a Dutch artist, painter and poet. His work is a myriad of intense emotions and extraterrestrial beings, lost in between dreams and brush strokes profoundly etched in the mind of the receiver. His work has been exhibited and commissioned all over Europe.

"I am in deep meditation when I create"
"I am in a deep state of meditation and in the same time in a very alert state, when I do my work."

I Am O
"Play with reality and allow your dreams to unfold."

She is your wave.
She moves with the ocean.
She is the height of your emotion.
She is the surf and is the depth.
She is the movement that you've met.
She is a ripple of space and time.
She is the white horse with which you climb.
She is the force that will collide.
She is the prophecy of the inner child.
She is the birth of her beginning.
She is the moment of your giving.
She is the light, the sound the word.
She is the wave that saves your world.
He is your desert.
He is the sand.
He is the promise.
He is the hand.
He is the oasis.
He is the well.
He is the wish fulfilling grail.
He is the dune.
He is the shade.
He is the date.
He is the fruit.
He is the wind that plays the flute.
He is the midnight fairytale.
Creating is connecting with the Essence and Flow of Life
Willemijn van Olphen
Creative Flow
I started to find my way back to myself connecting with creativity. First photography catched my attention and then after some time, I realised that my hands and my creativity needed physical material to work with, so this brought me to my next passion, making decorative artifacts from mostly recycled materials. Creating an enjoying Creation is connecting with
the Flow of Life.
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